The MMM Podcast.

The ‘mindset, mood & movement’ podcast will help you learn about mental, emotional and physical health. It’s for founders and freedom seekers who think deeply and feel fully. You’ll get insights, tools and inspiration to become calm confident & strong; in business & life.

The latest episode are below. Please use the links on each episode to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How do we define success?

In this episode, I am joined by Sam Thomas to explore the evolving concept of success. Sam, an entrepreneur and podcast host, shares personal stories about how his view of success shifted from a purely financial goal to one centred around relationships, fulfilment, and well-being.

Key Learnings:

  1. Redefining Success:

  2. Societal Pressures:

  3. The Journey Matters:

  4. Emotional Health:

  5. Living in the Present:

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to clear up ambiguity in a business arrangement

To have good business arrangements, we need to know as much as possible. Often, there can be gaps in our knowledge. So, I recommend this model to help uncover what we know and what we need to find out.

The 3 areas / questions we use to clear up ambiguity and get the full picture are as follows:

'The Known knowns' - What do I know that I know?

'The known unknowns' - What do I know that I don't know?

'The unknown unknowns' - what don't I know that I don't know?!

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to return to health & fulfilment by understanding human evolution

We explore the concept of evolutionary mismatch - how modern lifestyles conflict with our ancestral biology - affecting sleep, work, and overall well-being. Jenny shares insights on reconnecting with nature, aligning with our natural rhythms, and prioritising community to counteract the negative effects of modern life. By making small, practical changes, we can improve health, reduce stress, and find lasting fulfilment.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to overcome limiting beliefs around money

I dive into the topic of "How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs Around Money." Over the years, I've seen how deeply ingrained beliefs about money can hold people back from achieving financial success, and I’ve personally experienced it too.

In this episode, I share how you can start to unravel these limiting beliefs and view money for what it truly is – a neutral, transactional energy.

I'll help you separate the negative stories from your past and replace them with a mindset that encourages abundance and flow. Whether you're an entrepreneur or just seeking more financial empowerment, this episode will give you practical insights to transform your relationship with money.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to Listen and Be Heard Using Empathy

In this episode I'm in conversation with Alessandro Calzolari, a specialist in marketing psychology, about the importance of empathy in communication. We discuss its role in effective communication, and strategies for implementing empathetic approaches in both personal and professional contexts.

We also unpack the D.I.S.C communication model with the impact of emotional states on communication styles, and the importance of authenticity in building trust and connection.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

What is Mindset? And why does it matter?

​​​​​​​Unless you work in the field of psychology or coaching, it's easy to not notice what mindset we may be operating from at any given time.  However, our mind encapsulates our whole inner experience of life. Understanding our mind and consciously working on it really matters as it shapes our perception of all things.

So, today's mini episode is a short summary of mindset which I invite you to listen to and ponder on. In my experience, all of them mind-work I have done, has changed so much for me so I hope this resonates with you.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How can business and social impact work together?

Gav Willis and I delve into the synergy between business and social impact. Gav, the founder of Search Seven, shares his journey of balancing profit with purpose, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We discuss the "triple bottom line" approach, which integrates profit, people, and purpose to achieve sustainable success. Key topics include leadership strategies, maintaining a positive company culture, and the importance of community engagement

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to create effective outcomes

In this episode, I explain how to create effective outcomes including a strategy to achieve your desired result. The steps include having a clear vision, developing a proper strategy, and aligning one's values and current state with the desired outcome.

I explain in more depth concepts such as vision thinking, the Reticular Activating System (RAS), and the importance of breaking down big goals into micro-steps. There's a common mistake of thinking your happiness can be found in the future but if you focus on the present moment and create a pathway, you are already connected to success.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

Taking responsibility can change your life.

This podcast episode features an interview with Ryan French, a former professional boxer turned health and fitness coach. Ryan shares his journey from a challenging upbringing on a council estate in London to his experiences in the military and professional boxing. He discusses the importance of personal responsibility, overcoming adversity, and the lessons he's learned about self-awareness, family, and consistency. Ryan's story highlights the dangers of toxic masculinity and the importance of facing one's fears and insecurities

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

Do you own your choices? Uncovering the influences of decision making.

I explore the concept of genuine choice-making. I challenge listeners to question whether their decisions are truly their own or influenced by external factors. I share insights from my coaching experiences and introduce the idea of "lean mind" thinking, emphasising intentionality and clarity in decision-making. This episode is essential for anyone looking to improve their decision-making process, increase self-awareness, and achieve greater fulfillment in both personal and professional life.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How peripheral thinking can shape culture and business.

In this thought-provoking episode, I'm in conversation with entrepreneur and coach Ben Johnson to explore game-changing concepts for business leaders and innovators. Discover the power of peripheral thinking and how it can revolutionize your approach to problem-solving and innovation. Learn about the 'lean mind' technique and why "unlearning" might be the key to your next breakthrough.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to get mental clarity

Mental clarity and focus can be the difference between success and peace of mind and problems and chaos. In this episode, I share 3 specific tools you can use to help gain clarity.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

Leadership can be lonely

If you're a founder or business owner, you probably know it can get lonely at times. You're running things but who is there to support, challenge and share with?

In this episode, I explain the challenges of loneliness that leaders, founders, and entrepreneurs often face. I share insights from my coaching experience, highlighting the signs and potential consequences of loneliness at the top. Loneliness is a signal to seek connection.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to get out of your own way with Earl Talbot

In this episode, I am in conversation with Earl Talbot, who is a coach and mindset code breaker. We dive deep into what it means to "get out of your own way" and how we often sabotage our own progress and success.

Earl shares valuable insights from his work in neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and personal development on how to identify and overcome the mental blocks, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs that hold us back. He also emphasizes the importance of alignment between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and identity for achieving desired outcomes.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

How to listen deeply in a conversation

The 6 Levels of Listening - Master This Superpower 🔥

Do you ever feel like people just aren't listening to you? Or maybe you're the one struggling to really tune in and understand the other person?

Effective and deep listening is a game-changer. Whether it's an important business chat or a heart-to-heart with a loved one, being able to truly listen can transform your relationships in amazing ways.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

Breathwork for diabetes and health with Nick Heath

In this engaging episode, Nick Heath, known as "The Breathing Diabetic," shares his inspiring journey of how incorporating breathwork techniques transformed his experience with Type 1 diabetes and overall well-being. With a background in atmospheric science and a passion for understanding the breath, Nick delves into the scientific evidence behind the profound effects of breathwork on managing diabetes, reducing stress, inflammation, and oxidative stress, as well as improving cardiovascular health and emotional regulation.

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Sal Jefferies Sal Jefferies

Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Confident Decisions

The is all about the concept of self-doubt and how it can act as a smokescreen, preventing individuals from taking action and moving forward. I explain that self-doubt is a natural human state of mind, but if it becomes excessive, it can become maladaptive. I provides insights into why self-doubt arises and offers strategies to overcome it.

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