How to return to health & fulfilment by understanding human evolution

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In this episode, I speak with Jenny Powers, co-author of On the Origin of Being, about how understanding our evolutionary biology can guide us back to health and fulfilment.

We explore the concept of evolutionary mismatch - how modern lifestyles conflict with our ancestral biology - affecting sleep, work, and overall well-being. Jenny shares insights on reconnecting with nature, aligning with our natural rhythms, and prioritizing community to counteract the negative effects of modern life. By making small, practical changes, we can improve health, reduce stress, and find lasting fulfilment.

Key Topics:

Evolutionary Mismatch: Our bodies haven't evolved to handle the modern environment, causing chronic stress, sleep issues, and diseases.

Importance of Sleep: Blue light exposure and irregular sleep patterns disrupt our circadian rhythms, affecting our mental and physical health.

Role of Nature: Regular exposure to natural light and outdoor environments can reset our natural rhythms, improving overall well-being.

Work Culture: Modern work culture's focus on long hours and productivity is unhealthy. A balanced approach, emphasizing rest and community, is more sustainable.

Human Connection: We thrive in communities, and prioritizing relationships and social support is crucial for mental and physical health.

Flourishing Over Success: True fulfillment comes from balance, connection, and living in harmony with our environment, rather than the pursuit of material success.


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