Do you own your choices? Uncovering the influences of decision making.

I explore the concept of genuine choice-making. I challenge listeners to question whether their decisions are truly their own or influenced by external factors. I share insights from my coaching experiences and introduce the idea of "lean mind" thinking, emphasising intentionality and clarity in decision-making. This episode is essential for anyone looking to improve their decision-making process, increase self-awareness, and achieve greater fulfillment in both personal and professional life.

Main points:

Question whether your choices are truly your own or influenced by past experiences and external factors.

Practice intentional decision-making with clarity to make cleaner, more authentic choices.

Recognize where you're holding onto ideas, beliefs, or identities that may be limiting your growth.

Regularly reflect on your choices and their origins to increase self-awareness. Aligning your purpose and performance through authentic choice-making can lead to greater fulfilment.


Taking responsibility can change your life.


How peripheral thinking can shape culture and business.