Overcome Self-Doubt and Make Confident Decisions

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In his episode, I discuss the concept of self-doubt and how it can act as a smokescreen, preventing individuals from taking action and moving forward. I explain that self-doubt is a natural human state of mind, but if it becomes excessive, it can become maladaptive. I share insights into why self-doubt arises and offer strategies to overcome it.

Key Learnings:

Self-doubt stems from a need for certainty and a desire for safety, which can prevent us from taking risks.

Overidentifying with the outcomes of our actions and linking them to our self-worth can fuel self-doubt.

Failing to engage in discernment and intelligent decision-making can leave us stuck in a state of doubt.

To overcome self-doubt, we need to develop a healthy relationship with risk, avoid overidentifying with outcomes, and practice discernment in decision-making.


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