Breathwork for diabetes and health with Nick Heath

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In this insightful podcast episode, Nick Heath, aka "The Breathing Diabetic," shares his inspirational journey of how incorporating breathwork techniques transformed his experience with Type 1 diabetes and overall health. With a scientific background in atmospheric science and a passion for understanding the breath, Nick delves deep into the evidence-backed benefits of breathwork for managing diabetes, reducing stress, inflammation, and oxidative stress, while also improving cardiovascular health and emotional regulation.

Key Learnings:

Breathwork is a simple and cost-effective tool to manage diabetes and improve overall health by influencing the nervous system, reducing stress, and promoting relaxation.

Slow breathing, around 4-6 breaths per minute, can synchronize the body's systems and promote a healing state known as the 'relaxation response.'

Nasal breathing and quiet breathing throughout the day can help maintain a calm and regulated state, serving as a barometer for one's emotional and physiological condition.

Integrating breathwork with movement, such as walking or exercise, can enhance recovery and downregulation after physical exertion.

Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) is a powerful practice that promotes balance, cognitive focus, and a sense of calmness.


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